Science and Technology Agent
MC3 Mondragon Components Competence Center is a private non-profit organisation and is accredited as a Science and Technology Agent by the Basque Government and has been part of the Basque Science, Technology and Innovation Network (RVCTI) since 2009. CS Centro Stirling has been declared a public service entity in 2012 (BOPV 23 April 2012) and is registered as a Technology Innovation Support Centre at the Ministry of Science and Technology.
It was the first business R&D unit to be accredited within the Navarra R&D&I System (SINAI) in 2020 (Regional Order 2E/2020 of 28 February), possessing extensive equipment at its second headquarters in Villatuerta.
in research
The participation of MC3 Mondragon Components Competence Center in a number of both public and private research projects has allowed it to generate in-house expertise in electromagnetics, fluidics, thermodynamics, materials and functional printing, as well as in design and electronic manufacturing technologies, communications and ICTs.